I have to be honest here. When I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression in March, I thought that I’d get some medication, talk to a therapist, and work my way back to “normal” in a consistent fashion. I didn’t quite grasp, I don’t think, that this is not like the flu; you don’t just keep moving forward and one day find yourself cured. I’m coming to learn that I will be dealing with this for the rest of my life- and some days will be better than others. It scares the hell out of me to admit this. Whenever something has gone wrong in life, I’ve always just worked to fix it and move on- and I am working hard here. I am working to stop all the negative chatter in my head. I am also working to just do my thing and be me without worrying about what others are thinking. I am working on building my relationship with God and accepting myself with all my flaws. It is hard work, but I have a ton of support all around me- and it’s been going well. For most of this summer, I’ve been as happy as a clam at high tide. Why, then, have I found myself on the verge of panic attacks for the past week or so? What is going on?!? I have an inkling…
The end of July is upon us, which means we will soon be heading to Maine to visit friends and family- followed shortly thereafter by the start of a new school year. I AM NOT READY FOR ANY OF IT!! I’m not ready to go to Maine for a couple of reasons. First, I haven’t accomplished much this summer . I remember thinking, on my first day of vacation, that I would go to the beach, maybe paint a room or two, catch up on scrap-booking, and clean out some clutter from my closet and the garage. Oh, and I also wanted to lose those 8 pounds I put on this past school year. I had an entire summer ahead of me and I was going to get things done. Well, I’ve got more summer behind me than in front of me and I’ve done none of those things. I’ve spent the majority of my summer playing games with friends and family and reading- lots and lots of reading. It has been a very relaxing summer, but I feel like I should have accomplished some things on my list. I feel like I’ve failed at summer vacation (Yep, that’s as crazy as it sounds, but what can I say?) Second, the visit means the end of summer break. Waaaaahhh!!! However, I am looking forward to going and have been counting down all summer. I will come back relaxed because family times fill me up – and because I refuse to think about work!!
Speaking of work… the fact that I will be starting back at school 3 days after we get home from Maine IS FREAKING ME OUT. I have everything in my classroom packed into boxes and bins. I have to figure out where to put everything AND get my class ready for the beginning of the year. I have enlisted my husband on the first day to help me move and unpack; having that extra set of hands will be invaluable, but I really just want him there for moral support. I have spent bits and pieces of the summer thinking about what went well this past year and what I need to change. I have done lots of reading and attended a workshop. I have some great ideas that I want to implement; I just have to figure out the logistics. I have all these thoughts about work swirling through my brain- constantly. This could explain why I have had beginning of the school year nightmares for the past two weeks. In each dream, I am completely unprepared for the first day, arrive late, and am a hot mess; the only difference each time is the reason behind all that. Lovely! I usually look forward to a new school year; I am excited to meet my new students and I challenge myself to be better than the year before. This year, I don’t feel that thrill just yet; I think it is more like abject terror. My brain is swimming with doubts. Am I going to be ready in time? Will the parents like me? Will I be able to help the kids grow? Will my scores be among the top of my grade level- or among the bottom? Will my observations go well? Will I lose my ever-loving mind? The bottom line is that I am scared of failing- even though it’s my 17th year and I haven’t failed yet. My brain just has a mind of it’s own sometimes- no pun intended.
These last two weeks have been hard! I can’t be alone with my thoughts for too long because they quickly start spinning out of my control. Many people probably thought that it would all be unicorns and rainbows once the medication and therapy kicked in; I sure did- and there are definitely days like that. There are other days, however, when anxiety kicks me in the gut right out of the blue- and my mind will not turn off. Today, I started in on a panic attack while reading a book! I was reading along when I suddenly just started thinking a million different thoughts all at once and felt, simultaneously, that I was going to have a heart attack and throw up. This is the best way I can explain it: It’s like seeing your life (past, present, and future) and all the mistakes you have ever made or could ever make on fast forward all of a sudden. What the heck??? I don’t even know where that came from. I put the book down and started cleaning- and then I was fine. And it’s happened to me more than once over the past two weeks! Sometimes, I do wonder if I am going completely crazy- not gonna’ lie. My husband assures me I am not. (Maybe that makes him crazy, too??) I’m not trying to belabor the point and be Negative Nellie here; in fact, I am trying to be positive. I am not looking for pity- and I definitely don’t want to be treated any differently than before. I just want people to see that there are going to be hills and valleys- and, apparently, that’s normal (or my new normal). I look at it like I do when training for races. When I prepare for a half marathon, I train my body to withstand the long distances and time. When I run a 5K, I just go out and run it. Initially, I thought this would be more like the 5K- do what the doctor said and get better. As it turns out, it’s more like a marathon- train long and hard to live a life that makes me happy.